Online Clock > Which Months Have 29 Days
Which Months Have 29 Days
Which Months Have 29 Days? - February is the only month in the year that has 29 days in a leap year. In a common year, there are only 28 days in February.
Month Number |
Month Name |
Month Days |
01 |
January |
31 |
02 |
February |
28 |
03 |
March |
31 |
04 |
April |
30 |
05 |
May |
31 |
06 |
June |
30 |
07 |
July |
31 |
08 |
August |
31 |
09 |
September |
30 |
10 |
October |
31 |
11 |
November |
30 |
12 |
December |
31 |
How Many Months Have 29 Days
Only in a leap year, there is a month with 29 days, which is February. In common years, there are only 28 days in February.
which months have 28 days
which months have 30 days
which months have 31 days
how many days in a month