Online Clock > Which Months Have 28 Days
Which Months Have 28 Days
Which Months Have 28 Days - February is the only month in a year that has 28 days. In leap year, February has 29 days.
Month Number |
Month Name |
Month Days |
01 |
January |
31 |
02 |
February |
28 |
03 |
March |
31 |
04 |
April |
30 |
05 |
May |
31 |
06 |
June |
30 |
07 |
July |
31 |
08 |
August |
31 |
09 |
September |
30 |
10 |
October |
31 |
11 |
November |
30 |
12 |
December |
31 |
How Many Months Have 28 Days
The month that have 28 days is the same every year for a common year, which is February. There is no month with 28 days in a leap year.
which months have 29 days
which months have 30 days
which months have 31 days
how many days in a month