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How Many Work Days in 2027?

How Many Work Days in 2027? - The year 2027 has 261 work days, 11 federal holidays, and 104 weekend days (Saturday or Sunday). For those who doesn't have to work on federal holidays, then there are 250 work days in 2027. The table below shows how many business days in 2027.

How Many Business Days in 2027

# of Days: 365
Weekend Days: 104
Public Holidays: 11
Work Days: 261
Work Days With Federal Holidays Off: 250

Public Holidays 2027

Following are the 11 public federal holidays for the year 2027.

Holidays 2027
New Year Friday, January 01, 2027
Martin Luther King Jr. Day Monday, January 18, 2027
President's Day Monday, February 15, 2027
Memorial Day Monday, May 31, 2027
Juneteenth National Independence Day Friday, June 18, 2027
Independence Day Monday, July 05, 2027
Labor day Monday, September 06, 2027
Columbus Day Monday, October 11, 2027
Veterans Day Thursday, November 11, 2027
Thanksgiving Day Thursday, November 25, 2027
Christmas Friday, December 24, 2027

Working Days By Month 2027

Month # of Work Days # of Work Hours
January 21 168
February 20 160
March 23 184
April 22 176
May 21 168
June 22 176
July 22 176
August 22 176
September 22 176
October 21 168
November 22 176
December 23 184
Total 261 2088

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