Online Clock > Overtime Calculator

Overtime Calculator

Overtime Calculator is a tool to calculate your overtime paid based on your regular hourly rate and the overtime rate. The time and half calculator will calculate the total pay if you get paid by time and half or other rates.

Time and a Half Calculator

Hourly Rate $
Overtime Pay x Hourly   OR   $ per Hour
Regular Working Hours per Week
Overtime Hours per Week
Pay Period
Total Regular Pay
Total Overtime Pay
Total Pay

Overtime Pay Calculator

The following table shows the overtime pay based on the hourly rate.

Hourly Rate Overtime Rate
$10 $15
$11 $16.5
$12 $18
$13 $19.5
$14 $21
$15 $22.5
$16 $24
$17 $25.5
$18 $27
$19 $28.5
$20 $30
$21 $31.5
$22 $33
$23 $34.5
$24 $36
$25 $37.5
$26 $39
$27 $40.5
$28 $42
$29 $43.5
$30 $45
$31 $46.5
$32 $48
$33 $49.5
$34 $51
$35 $52.5
$36 $54
$37 $55.5
$38 $57
$39 $58.5
$40 $60
$41 $61.5
$42 $63
$43 $64.5
$44 $66
$45 $67.5
$46 $69
$47 $70.5
$48 $72
$49 $73.5
$50 $75
$51 $76.5
$52 $78
$53 $79.5
$54 $81
$55 $82.5
$56 $84
$57 $85.5
$58 $87
$59 $88.5
$60 $90
$61 $91.5
$62 $93
$63 $94.5
$64 $96
$65 $97.5
$66 $99
$67 $100.5
$68 $102
$69 $103.5
$70 $105
$71 $106.5
$72 $108
$73 $109.5
$74 $111
$75 $112.5
$76 $114
$77 $115.5
$78 $117
$79 $118.5
$80 $120
$81 $121.5
$82 $123
$83 $124.5
$84 $126
$85 $127.5
$86 $129
$87 $130.5
$88 $132
$89 $133.5
$90 $135
$91 $136.5
$92 $138
$93 $139.5
$94 $141
$95 $142.5
$96 $144
$97 $145.5
$98 $147
$99 $148.5
$100 $150

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